marco predatoro - mixed reality horror game

marco predatoro - mixed reality horror game

This was a project I created with some of my friends at the University of Bristol.

We didn’t find VR, AR, or a simple video game to be engaging enough, sooo....

We combined all of them to create a frankenstein of a game.

Even though we spent most of our time in "integration hell", it was super fun and loved by everyone who playtested it.

Here's the elevator pitch of the game:

"Marco Predatoro is a room-scale mixed reality Alien versus Spaceman unity game. Real-life humans are mapped into the alien virtual world using Kinect cameras and AR phones while the Alien plays in full Metaquest VR, and both sides fight for what they believe is right: can humans harvest the life-saving compounds they need? Or will the alien save its precious eggs?"

Watch a short video about the development of the game below.

PS. that's me on the poster :)

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